Friday, February 6, 2015




You are upset with me because of my miracles, because of the way that I am rubber and you are glue, how whatever you say bounces off of me, and sticks to you. You are upset with me because of whatever you can do, I can do better. You are excluding me from your poetry website because of manifest destiny, and also because of jealousy. You do not like that I have enormous poetry prizes in my voice, spiritually.

I tried to be kind to you with the poetry prizes in my voice, by rubbing your back with them, and also by holding them at an angle that made them appear smaller than they are. You felt, instinctively inside your muscles, that my poetry prizes were real, telepathically speaking, but when I said that you could hold my poetry prizes, temporarily, in order to touch them, you said that my poetry prizes were not real. You said that my poetry prizes were actually expensive diamonds, and that I was using them to make myself look better than you.

Your own words judge you. The poetry prizes inside my voice are expensive diamonds, and I am posting them to eBay. I am holding an auction for the expensive diamonds in my voice, and many men will make bids on them, driving the price up, higher and higher. You will receive an email saying that the auction for my expensive diamonds is ending soon, but when you go to the website, I will already have taken them down. I am preparing a place for my diamonds on Google. No one knows the hour when the auction will end. The end of the auction will arrive like an elevator in a digital skyscraper on Google, opening and shutting because someone pushed the button, long ago.

It would have been better for you, to have held the diamonds, temporarily, and touched them. Now you will go to the elevator to my skyscraper on Google without a back rub, and your muscles will be very tense. You will be so distracted because of tense muscles that you will accidentally fall out of my elevator and die, without ever having held the poetry prizes in my voice. Blessed is he who has has held the poetry prizes in my voice, and touched them. Blessed is he who has bid on my expensive diamonds. Whoever has seen my expensive diamonds on eBay, the same has also received a back rub from my expensive diamonds.

I go to prepare a place on the Internet. I am preparing many elevators to a skyscraper on Google. I am baking a pie and flying there, using my Personal Money. There are many mansions, inside my Personal Money, linked to a Paypal account. My Paypal account is like a man walking in the forest who wants to buy a bicycle. My Paypal account is like a website in heaven where two kinds of people see each other, but never speak. My Paypal account is like a tiny city on a website where virtuous people live.

When I am come into my kingdom, many men will stand outside the elevators, rapidly pressing the button. On that day, every man will press the call button, for an elevator leading up or down. When you see my expensive diamonds, you will be jealous, and wish you could come and live with me, by riding on my elevator, but I will not want you to, because you are using me for my Personal Money. Where I go, no man may follow, except he flies in a spaceship.  Where I go, no man may follow, unless he builds a space machine and attaches it to an elevator. Lee Sharks is dead now he died from a broken heart. I send another in my place, a Comforter, whose name is Damascus Dancings.

Lee Sharks bent down to write in the dirt with his finger, saying, “Whoever among you is without enormous poetry prizes in his voice, let him cast the first stone.” One by one, they turned and departed, until Lee Sharks was alone with the poetry prizes in his voice.

(c) 2224 damascus dancings, an imaginary person

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